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The N-Town Plays: Bibliography

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Block. See Ludus Coventriae.

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———. “Sacrament and Sacrifice in the N-Town Passion.” Mediaevalia 7 (1981), 239–64.

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Fewer, Colin. “The ‘Fygure’ of the Market: The N-Town Cycle and East Anglian Lay Piety.” Philological Quarterly 77 (1998), 117–47.

Fitzhenry, William. “The N-Town Plays and the Politics of Metatheater.” Studies in Philology 100 (2003), 22–43.

Fletcher, Alan J. “The ‘Contemplacio’ Prologue to the N-Town Play of the Parliament of Heaven.” Notes and Queries 27 (1980), 111–12.

———. “The Design of the N-Town Play of Mary’s Conception.” Modern Philology 79 (1981), 166–73.

———. “Marginal Glosses in the N-Town Manuscript, British Library, MS Cotton Vespasian D. VIII.” Manuscripta 25 (1981), 113–17.

———. “Layers of Revision in the N-Town Marian Cycle.” Neophilologus 66 (1982), 469–78.

———. “The N-Town Plays.” In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre. Ed. Richard Beadle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 163–88.

Forrest, Sister M. Patricia. “Apocryphal Sources of the St. Anne’s Day Plays in the Hegge Cycle.” Medievalia et Humanistica 17 (1966), 38–50.

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French, Katherine. “Maidens’ Lights and Wives’ Stores: Women’s Parish Guilds in Late Medieval England.” Sixteenth Century Journal 29 (1998), 399–425.

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Gibson, Gail McMurray. “Bury St. Edmunds, Lydgate, and the N-Town Cycle.” Speculum 56 (1981), 56–90.

———. “East Anglian Drama and the Dance of Death: Some Second Thoughts on the ‘Dance of Paul’s.’” Early Drama, Art, and Music Newsletter 5 (1982), 1–9.

———. “‘Porta haec clausa erit’: Comedy, Conception, and Ezekiel’s Closed Door in the Ludus Coventriae Play of ‘Joseph’s Return.’” Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 8 (1978), 137–56.

———. “Saint Anne and the Religion of Childbed: Some East Anglian Texts and Talismans
.” In Interpreting Cultural Symbols: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Society. Ed. Kathleen Ashley and Pamela Sheingorn. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1990. Pp. 95–110.

———. The Theater of Devotion: East Anglian Drama and Society in the Late Middle Ages. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

———. “Writing before the Eye: The N-Town Woman Taken in Adultery and the Medieval Ministry Play.” Comparative Drama 27 (1993–94), 399–407.

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———. See also Assumption of the Virgin.

Halliwell. See Ludus Coventriae.

Happé, Peter. “The English Cycle Plays: Contexts and Development.” Early Drama, Art, and Music Review 20 (1998), 71–87.

Harnett, Edith. “Cain and the Medieval Towneley Play.” Annuale Mediaevale 12 (1971), 21–29.

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The Hours of Catherine of Cleves. Intro. and commentary by John Plummer. New York: G. Brazilier, 1966.

Hunt, Alison M. “Maculating Mary: The Detractors of the N-Town Cycle’s ‘Trial of Joseph and Mary.’” Philological Quarterly 73 (1994), 11–29.

Hussey, S. S. “How Many Herods in Middle English Drama?” Neophilologus 48 (1964), 252–59.

Jacob, E. F. The Fifteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961.

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———. In Ludus Coventriae; or, the Plaie Called Corpus Christi, Cotton MS Vespasian D VIII. Ed. Katherine Salter Block. EETS e.s. 120. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1922; rpt. 1960.

———. See also The N-Town Plays.

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———. See also Mary Play.

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———. In The N-Town Play: Cotton MS Vespasian D.8. Ed. Stephen Spector. 2 vols. EETS s.s.11–12. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

———. See also Ludus Coventriae.

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