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William Dunbar: The Complete Works

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William Dunbar: The Complete Works

Publisher Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan
Publisher Name: Medieval Institute Publications
Publication Date: 2004
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • The Complete Works
    1. On the Nativity of Christ [Et nobis puer est]
    2. Of the Passion of Christ
    3. On the Resurrection of Christ [Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro]
    4. A Ballad of Our Lady [Ave Maria, gracia plena]
    5. In Praise of Women
    6. The Manner of Going to Confession
    7. The Table of Confession
    8. All Earthly Joy Returns to Pain
    9. Of Man's Mortality [Quoad tu in cinerem revertis]
    10. An Orison
    11. Of the World's Vanity [Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas]
    12. Of Life
    13. Of the Changes of Life
    14. The Lament for the Makars [Timor mortis conturbat me]
    15. A Meditation in Winter
    16. None May Assure in This World
    17. Best to Be Blithe
    18. Of Content
    19. Without Gladness No Treasure Avails
    20. His Own Enemy
    21. Spend Thine Own Goods [Thyne awin gude spend quhill thow hes space]
    22. Of Covetise [And all for caus of cuvetice]
    23. Of Deeming
    24. How Should I Conduct Myself [Lord God, how sould I governe me]
    25. Rule of Oneself [He rewllis weill that weill himself can gyd]
    26. Discretion in Asking [In asking sowld discretioun be]
    27. Discretion in Giving [In geving sowld discretioun be]
    28. Discretion in Taking [In taking sowld discretioun be]
    29. Dunbar at Oxford [Ane peralous seiknes is vane prosperite]
    1. The Thistle and the Rose
    2. To Princess Margaret [Welcum of Scotlond to be quene]
    3. To Princess Margaret [Gladethe, thoue queyne of Scottis regioun]
    4. To Aberdeen [Be blyth and blisfull, burgh of Aberdein]
    5. To the Queen [Devoyd languor and leif in lustines]
    6. Eulogy to Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny [Withe glorie and honour]
    7. Elegy for Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny [Sen he is gon, the flour of chevalrie
    8. To the King [In hansill of this guid New Yeir]
    9. To the King [God gif ye war Johne Thomsounis man]
    10. To the King [My panefull purs so priclis me]
    11. To the King [Schir, at this feist of benefice]
    12. To the King [Of benefice, sir, at everie feist]
    13. A Dream
    14. The Headache
    15. To the King [For to considder is ane pane]
    16. Against the Solicitors at Court
    17. To the King [Schir, ye have mony servitouris]
    18. To the King [Complane I wald]
    19. To the King [Exces of thocht dois me mischeif]
    20. To the King [That I suld be ane Yowllis yald]
    21. Of People Hard to Please
    22. The Antichrist
    23. To the Lord Treasurer [Welcome, my awin lord thesaurair]
    24. To the Lords of Chalker
    25. A Ballad of the Friar of Tungland
    26. Sir Thomas Norny
    27. A Dance in the Queen's Chamber [A merrear daunce mycht na man see]
    28. Of James Dog [Madame, ye heff a dangerous dog]
    29. Of the Aforesaid James Dog [He is na dog, he is a lam]
    30. Epitaph for Donald Oure
    31. A Complaint against Mure
    1. Sweet Rose of Virtue
    2. Beauty and the Prisoner
    3. To a Lady
    4. Good Counsel for Lovers [Be secreit, trewe, incressing of your name]
    5. The Golden Targe
    6. The Merle and the Nightingale
    7. Love's Inconstancy
    8. True Love [And trew luve rysis fro the splene]
    1. A Wooing in Dunfermline [And that me thocht ane ferly cace]
    2. To the Queen [Madam, your men said]
    3. Of a Black Moor [My ladye with the mekle lippis]
    4. In a Secret Place [Ye brek my hart, my bony ane]
    5. These Fair Ladies That Repair to Court
    6. Tidings from the Session
    7. To the Merchants of Edinburgh
    8. How Dunbar Was Desired to Be a Friar
    9. The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins
    10. Of the Tailors and the Shoemakers [Telyouris and sowtaris, blist be ye]
    11. The Devil's Inquest [Renunce thy God and cum to me]
    12. Master Andro Kennedy's Testament
    13. Dunbar's Dirge
    14. The Twa Cummars [This lang Lentrin it makis me lene]
    15. The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy
    16. The Tretis of the Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo
  • Glossary