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Canterbury Tales


Canterbury Tales

Publisher Location: New York
Publisher Name: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books
Publication Date: 1988
Additional Information:
This version of the Canterbury Tales includes the Prologue, the Nun's Priest's Tale, the Pardoner's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, and the Franklin's Tale.  A full-page color character portrait appears before each tale begins, with an image of the Tabard Inn before the opening of the Prologue.  In addition, a series of character portraits fills the lower half of the pages of the Prologue, depicting the rest of the pilgrims.  Each tale then contains one illustration of a central moment: in the Nun's Priest's Tale, Chanticleer preens next to Pertelote; in the Pardoner's Tale, the three young men find the gold under a tree, while Death lurks on the other side of the tree; in the Wife of Bath's Tale, Guinevere gives the young knight his task; and in the Franklin's Tale, Dorigen greets her husband Arveragus.